Dromo WebinarLearn how Dromo can solve your data importing problems

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We know your pain

We got tired of fixing messy data files ourselves, so we started Dromo to solve the problem the right way.

Why is it called "Dromo"

Dromo is the Greek word meaning "road.” We chose it for the contrast with the familiar euphemism of a "data pipeline".

A pipeline implies a seamless, direct journey from source to destination. In reality, data meanders along a winding road.

Dromo helps you overcome the potholes, bumps, and dead ends on this road, so you can get data to its destination faster.

Our values

  • Daring

    We pursue our vision with dogged persistence and get the most out of every resource

  • Dedicated

    Everyone is responsible for customer satisfaction, no matter their role or seniority

  • Innovative

    We build and deliver the best product possible, without regard to competition

  • Humble

    We put the mission and collective success ahead of individual achievements or accolades

Contact Us

Questions? Feedback? Don’t hesitate to reach out.
We’d love to connect with you.

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Dromo FAQs

  • Dromo exists to deliver shockingly pleasant data file importing software to fast-paced teams on a budget.
  • Dromo is a Delaware C corporation based in San Francisco. We support customers on six continents and over 30 languages (see the full list here).
  • Dromo is backed and run by a team of over 40 diverse employees and investors with expertise building exceptional companies like Discord, Vercel, Shopify, Palantir, Meta, and Salesforce.

Fix your messy data files
faster with Dromo

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