Data Cleaning Terms Explained
This glossary covers common operations when cleaning data files, including validations, repairs, and transformations. Entries with the icon include code snippets in JavaScript.
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Concatenating Fields
Merging two or more fields in a dataset.
Dropping Invalid Rows
Removing rows from your dataset that do not meet certain validation rules or conditions.
Dynamic Data Validation
Validating data against a dynamic set of rules or conditions.
Field Name Matching
Match the fields in a dataset to a set of expected fields.
Finding Text Within a String
Identifying and possibly replacing specific sequences of characters (substrings) within a larger string.
Flagging Invalid Rows
Identifying and marking rows that do not meet certain validation criteria.
Formatting Numbers
Modifying how a number is displayed without altering the underlying data.
Imputing Missing Values
Replacing missing or null values with substituted values.
Normalizing Cases
Converting all text data to a uniform case, such as lower case or upper case.
Removing Duplicates
Eliminating duplicate entries from your dataset.
Requiring Values
Ensures specific fields in a dataset are not empty or undefined.
Splitting Fields
Separating the contents of a single field into multiple separate fields.
Standardizing Date Formats
Standardizing dates into a single, consistent format.
Trimming Fields
Removing unnecessary characters, typically whitespace, from the start and end of a string.
URL Validation
Checking if a field's value matches the structure of a valid URL.