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Dromo Headless

Automated CSV
importing from SFTP,
or anywhere else

Dromo Headless enables you to automate complex backend CSV and spreadsheet import workflows from start to finish. Replace one-off custom scripts with a more robust and secure pipeline.



Dromo is a file importer that takes minutes to configure.

Quick Setup

With Dromo Headless, you can set up new data pipelines in minutes.

Automated Data Import

Automate data import flows from anywhere, to anywhere.

Comprehensive Management

Dromo manages job orchestration, data cleanup and provides a professional interface to resolving any new data discrepancies.

How it works

Clean up CSV chaos with

When it comes to data interchange, CSV is still the common denominator. But CSVs are messy – missing columns, changing headers, misformatted data. Dromo takes care of these issues for you, letting you engineering team work on the important things.

  • 1.

    You send Dromo a data file

    Dromo Headless performs column matching and data validation automatically.

    Dromo is a file importer that takes minutes to configure.
  • 2.

    In the off-chance there is an issue

    Dromo gives you a beautiful and seamless UI to resolve with Human in the Loop, to make sure your clean data makes it to its destination.

    Dromo is a file importer that takes minutes to configure.
  • 3.

    That’s it!

    Dromo is a file importer that takes minutes to configure.

Dromo Headless

Effortless Data Integration From Anywhere

We have integrations for SFTP, S3, and a powerful API that can be adapted to any need. Just send us the file, and we’ll do the rest.