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vs Dromo

While there are many options on the market, Dromo and Flatfile are consistently compared for data file importing. Both companies provide a robust solution that can scale with your growth. However, the companies were built in fundamentally different ways and with different philosophies, impacting their product vision and pricing models.

Dromo is a file importer that takes minutes to configure.

Comparing solutions


Dromo is an embeddable CSV importer that can provide you with a powerful and intuitive importer in your app – in just hours.

Dromo takes care of guiding your users through uploading CSVs/Excel files/etc, matching columns and fixing errors quickly, allowing you to ditch fixed schemas or templates. Dromo is highly customizable, respects data privacy, and offers you transparent pricing from day 1.


Flatfile offers an embeddable file importer, but their main product is a complex and monolithic data platform. Flatfile uses a complex pricing model that charges both based on files and number of records, plus a high fixed monthly cost.

Flatfile is difficult to set up, wholly dependent on server side processing, and has limited options for customizability.

Compare features Dromo Flatfile
  Get started for free  
Embeddable Importing
Sane Pricing Free to get started, $399/mo for Pro Free to get started, $799+ additional fees for Pro
Ease of integration No code schema studio, or get started with just a couple lines of code Need multiple full time engineers to support. Incredibly complex and difficult to maintain.
Developer Experience Documentation full of samples. Up to date SDKs for every front end. Long, confusing documentation, usually outdated.
Data Security Zero Trust Architecture, Dromo never sees your data High reliance on backend processing, your data stored by Flatfile
Compliance SOC 2 Type II, GDPR, HIPAA SOC 2 Type II, GDPR, HIPAA
Branding Comprehensive Style Overrides Great branding options
Unlimited Imports Default in Enterprise Plans Confusing 'PDV' metered importing
Stable and Reliable Operating since 2021, trusted around the world Operating since 2018, trusted around the world
Bulk Data Fixing Automated transformations, AI cleaning Basic validators
Support Universally available email, chat, and video support usually same day Basic chat and email support
Sales Experience Talk to a friendly experts today Slow and tedious process leading to maximal cost to you

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Dromo vs Flatfile FAQ

  • On pricing:
    • Both offer a way to get started for free without talking to sales.
    • Dromo's paid plans tend to be significantly more affordable and flexible.
    • Dromo offers an unlimited plan to limit the costs customers pay as they scale. Flatfile does not offer an unlimited plan, and the base cost can scale to over $500,000 a year, according to its public pricing model.
    • Flatfile's per-usage billing model meters both the number of imports each month as well as the number of cells processed, whereas Dromo only meters the number of imports.
    On features:
    • Both products can be run with Javascript SDKs and feature a workbook-like UI, AI-enabled automations, custom validations via hooks, a headless API, and webhooks for backend processing.
    • Dromo provides a no-code Schema Studio so that a developer does not have to be involved in configuring and deploying an importer. Flatfile requires a developer to configure it.
    • Flatfile requires users to be on its Professional plan in order to white label their importer, whereas Dromo provides white labeling by default.
    • Dromo includes 100s of out-of-the-box integrations with third-party software, whereas Flatfile does not.
    • Both providers are SOC 2 certified. Dromo also offers low-friction privacy configurations in which your data files never transit Dromo's servers or networks, whereas Flatfile does not.
    • Dromo allows users to download a richly formatted Excel error report of any in-progress import, whereas Flatfile allows users to download only an unformatted CSV of the entire file.
    • Dromo offers premium features on a flexible pay-per-feature basis, while Flatfile bundles them together.
  • Yes, many customers choose Dromo over Flatfile when they first buy a data file importer, or migrate to Dromo in the future.
    One such customer reported that the migration took less than an hour, immediately saved them a significant amount of money, and improved the quality of the user experience. Read their case study.
    Enterprise references are available on request.